What is it about?

The rollercoaster adventures of parenting three kids, dealing with disability and mental health - and discussing disability discrimination and how to tackle it.

Friday, 25 January 2008

30 Centimeters

Yesterday, we took the kids to one of those soft-play places. The boys love climbing and crawling around them, and i love the fact that it allows Beaver to experiment without being able to hurt himself. He's into climbing at the moment, and found his way to the top and down a scary looking long slippery dip. He came down screaming "this is cool, i love it Again!" and in his enthusiasm even managed to entice Possum to come along. While that is exciting, the most wonderful moment at soft-play was for Boo Boo.

To put things into context for those parents of "neurotypical" children, Boo Boo will be two in April and cannot sit independently yet. But in the safe environment of the soft-play, she commando-crawled. At one stage, she managed to pull her legs up and sit on her knees. Had she had the strenght in her arms, she would have crawled on her knees. Instead, she fell flat on her face on the soft matting. She loved being there, moving. It took her about 15 minutes, but she moved. She was mighty proud of her achievement, and so were we.

And so, look at these 30 centimeters of triumph:


Shannon said...

GO GIRL! I am so excited for her!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo, yippee and hip hip hooray for 30 cm!

Bet she was tired tonight!? Go, go, go you good thing...

What's that old saying about a journey of a thousand miles starting with a single centimetre??