What is it about?

The rollercoaster adventures of parenting three kids, dealing with disability and mental health - and discussing disability discrimination and how to tackle it.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014


Had word recently from Enable NSW. BooBoo's wheelchair has been approved. However, a second cushion cover was not approved.

You may wonder why we would want a second cushion cover.

Well, like her brother, BooBoo's bladder is, well, let's say somewhat unreliable. Our oldest's bladder has deteriorated now to full incontinence. We're talking neurogenic bladder, nappies and intermittent catheterisation here.

We keep trying with the undies. You know, use it or loose it. Train those muscles to strengthen and all that.

But it means we have many accidents. Plenty of spare clothes and wet undies. And nappy blow outs. A
nd wet pillow covers. 

And when you have a wet pillow cover it will start to smell. So it has to be washed. And dried. Which means we don't have a pillow cover for a few days. Which means BooBoo sits on an uncomfortable and sticky plastic and foam pillow.  Which is why we ordered a second pillow cover. 

Makes sense when you have continence issues no?

Unfortunately though, it turns out you cannot request a second pillow cover for a wheelchair unless you have a medical certificate from an incontinence nurse proving your in continence.

As we did not produce such a letter of confirming her incontinence we were denied the second cushion by Enable NSW. 

However  just yesterday I received notification that BooBoo has been approved for incontinence products by Enable NSW. Because, you know, the incontinence nurse at Westmead filled in the paperwork for this, certifying BooBoo's incontinence.

So I rang Enable. 

Still need to prove BooBoo's in continence for a second pillow cover with a letter from an incontinence nurse. Because we all have too much time on our hands it seems.

Logical, or what?!  


Heike Fabig said...

And the waiting list to see the continence nurse at the Enuresis Clinic at Westmead Children's Hospital is 12 months. I wonder why...

Glee said...

Their name should be Disable rather than Enable. And I would be saying" NO NO NO that is ridiculous. You have proof via your own nurse (Enable's) that she is incontinent. Look at your bloody files. WHY do you want to WASTE money and my and your time doing it all again?" And keep repeating until they give in! That's what I do. Thor their nonsense back in their face until they can't stand it!

I have two cushion covers and no I did not have to prove my incontinence (Crohn's and oldish lady urgency)

They are full of SHIT so make them see that. Farkenell!!!