What is it about?

The rollercoaster adventures of parenting three kids, dealing with disability and mental health - and discussing disability discrimination and how to tackle it.

Monday 14 September 2009

Nintendo DS

We have a Wii. Yet the boys, especially Possum, are intrigued by the Nintendo DS. Can you tell?

Possum came home from school one afternoon and made this. His very own Nintendo DS, with shooting-down-spaceship game and all...

I had a star chart for Beaver. Every time he made it through a Friday he got a sticker. And after 20 stickers, I promised him an Nintendo DS. Three weeks ago he finally made it. And promptly decided he didn't really want a DS, a notebook was just fine. And do you want to know why?

He wanted to know how much a DS cost. He looked aghast when I told him. He decided there and then that that was too expensive. Can you believe this kid? Must be his Dutch genes...


fabig said...

Weet hubby, wat je da geschreven hebt??
Wat is in godsnaam een DS?
Volgende keer aan de telefoon moet je ons dit maar eens verklaren. Wij denken wel dat het een special spel voor Wii is. Het is toch wel fijn, dat hij een besef heeft, dat dit (hoeveel het ook mag zijn) erg duur is.

Anonymous said...

Ja Heike, de appel is niet ver van de boom gevallen, jij droomde voor je 14 ook al van ruitevaart wij hadden geen computer en zeker geen nintendo maar dromen kan ook ....
