What is it about?

The rollercoaster adventures of parenting three kids, dealing with disability and mental health - and discussing disability discrimination and how to tackle it.

Thursday, 14 August 2008


On the Monday afternoon Possum and I were talking after we finished his homework. The conversation went to Oma and Opa, who are soon coming to visit us from Belgium. He wanted to know how many more weeks until they are here, and how long they would stay.

Possum was pleased to hear it's only 3 more weeks till Oma and Opa arrive, and even happier to hear that they are staying for nearly 7 weeks. Then I told him that they would be going to Perth for a week and a half while they are here in Australia.

And Possum, tired from his first day back at school after being sick, promptly burst into tears.

And said, in a sobbing voice:

"They love Perth more than me!"


tanteanita said...

Oh Possum!
I know that your Oma and Opa loves you more than you can understand.
Tante Anita

fabig said...

tell possum, that we don't like Perth more than him, beaver boo boo mam and dad. We are very very happy to see you all, but hat we just need to have a break for ourself in this 6 weeks.
Kisses to lovely possum

Anonymous said...

The way I figure it, 1.5 weeks in Perth, 5.5 weeks with Possum means they love Possum at least three times more than Perth.

Actually, 5.5 divided by 1.5 is 3.666667 to be precise - yes, I was a mathematician in a former life. Sad I know...

We too are eagerly awaiting a visit from grandparents - coming from Perth! I wounder if there are some Sydney-based grandparents heading off to Belgium about the same time...

Have a great weekend all, Susan